Unlock encrypted root filesystem via SSH

As I wrote in my last posts I want to use my ROCK Pi 4 as a home server. I installed a libre bootloader and then Debian with an encrypted root filesystem. Here I wrote down how I managed to be able to unlock my encrypted partition via SSH.

Dropbear is a small SSH server (and client). The idea is to integrate it in my initial RAM file system only to be able to connect to my ROCK Pi 4 via SSH at boot time to type in my dm-crypt passphrase. After that the SSH connection will be closed and the boot process will proceed as expected.

Install and configure dropbear-initramfs

First, I install the Debian package dropbear-initramfs (and all its dependencies). Then I configure Dropbear by editing one line in its main configuration file.

stefan@uvauwe:~$ sudo apt install dropbear-initramfs
stefan@uvauwe:~$ sudo editor /etc/dropbear/initramfs/dropbear.conf
# Command line options to pass to dropbear(8)
DROPBEAR_OPTIONS="-jk -p 2222 -c cryptroot-unlock"

Options -j and -k disable local / remote port forwarding. I won’t need any port forwarding.

With option -p 2222 Dropbear listens on port 2222. I use another port for the Dropbear server in initramfs than for the main SSH server on my ROCK Pi 4 because they use different host keys. When I try to connect to a host via SSH for the first time, I have to confirm its authenticity. To be able to do so I get a key fingerprint I can check. As soon as I verify this key fingerprint the connection is established and the host’s public key is added to my ~/.ssh/known_hosts file. Now when I connect to the same host again but now it uses another key the connection will not be established because host key verification fails. As far as I know using different ports for the two SSH server is the easiest way to avoid this.

Option -c forces the given command (in my case cryptroot-unlock) as soon as the connection is established.

By the way, options -F (don’t fork into background) and -s (disable password logins) are enabled by default when dropbear is integrated in initramfs (see script /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/init-premount/dropbear).

Enable public key authentication

With option -s enabled by default password logins are disabled, so I’ll use public key authentication. For that to work I only need to copy my SSH client’s public key (on my laptop) to dropbear’s /etc/dropbear/initramfs/authorized_keys file (on my home server):

stefan@librem14:~$ cat .ssh/id_ed25519.pub
ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIFNhMKegphuiSrT3fHXc/VkgWR5UkdNq3vh/ReX+Klcs stefan@librem14
stefan@uvauwe:~$ echo "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIFNhMKegphuiSrT3fHXc/VkgWR5UkdNq3vh/ReX+Klcs stefan@librem14" | sudo tee -a /etc/dropbear/initramfs/authorized_keys > /dev/null

Network configuration

The network configuration for initramfs can be set up by using the ip= kernel boot parameter (see the Linux documentation for details). I create a file /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/ip and paste the boot parameter:

stefan@uvauwe:~$ echo "ip=" | sudo tee -a /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/ip

I use a static network configuration. My ROCK Pi 4 should have the IP address, the IP address of its gateway is, the netmask is, the hostname is uvauwe and I want to disable autoconfiguration. By the way, for a DHCP client configuration the boot parameter could look as simple as this: ip=dhcp

Generate an initramfs image

Finally, I have to update the initramfs image to make the changes affective. Let’s reboot and see if everything works as expected!

stefan@uvauwe:~$ sudo update-initramfs -u -k all
stefan@uvauwe:~$ sudo reboot

Unlock the encrypted root filesystem via SSH

Now I can connect to my ROCK Pi 4 via SSH and unlock the encrypted root filesystem. This only works as superuser and I have to use the port I specified in Dropbear’s configuration file (see above).

stefan@librem14:~$ ssh root@ -p 2222
Please unlock disk md0_crypt: 
cryptsetup: md0_crypt set up successfully
Connection to closed.

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